Unchained..... not just so, but uninhibited, unorthodox, unnerving, and unreal.
Quentin Tarantino's new film is longish, violent, brutal, bloody, and politically incorrect, and yet let may state at the same time that it is fulfilling in a perverse sort of way.
The fans of Tarantino - a massive cult status that he enjoys thanks to an ever widening fan-base - are not going to be disappointed with the maker (so what if the majority of all others do) and can trust to up the violence quotient each time, with every new film he makes.
Tarantino loves to push the envelope, bend the rules, on one hand, and on the other, his work often has a tribute-like quality, he loves to pay obeisance to mainstream and non-mainstream (offbeat/underground) genres. 'Django Unchained' (2012) has remarkable passages of wit and dark humor, and stylized action and yet it also has visceral excesses, bouts of self-indulgence, and expendable artlessness.
I must admit, I am too fond of Quentin Tarantino's stylish presentations. I have been following his work rather closely, ever since I first set my eyes on 'Reservoir Dogs', it was an eye-opener of a film for me in many ways. With 'Pulp Fiction', 'Jackie Brown', the 'Kill Bill' films, and 'Inglourious Basterds', my admiration and awe continued. I was particularly interested to find out Tarantino's treatment to an epic western. 'Django' was, after all, this Franco Nero starrer from 1966, that spawned many other similar spaghetti westerns, the name itself having been referenced in over thirty films! But, Tarantino does not believe in mere reprisals or remakes, unless there is some radical add-ons. And that he has done successfully, to the favor or disfavor of the viewers. He has actually made a western-styled southern, the film being set in the pockets of deep south and old west back in the antebellum era. Jamie Foxx has given a no-holds-barred performance in the title role - a freed African American slave who goes to the extremes of risk-taking for the sake of true love - with a fulsome, meaty support from Christoph Waltz. Also in the cast are Kerry Washington, as Django's love interest, and Leonardo DiCaprio as a plantation owner, a brutal villain. Among the other players, I must mention Samuel L. Jackson, and Walton Goggins, who appear menacing on screen, and there's also a cameo appearance put in by Franco Nero (the actor who had immortalized the original screen character named Django).

Watch this film, only if you are not faint of heart or squeamish by nature, and if you adore Tarantino. Else, give it a miss, the blood and gore fest is not recommended in that case; it is hardly emancipatory.

The film is slated for a tentative release in the Indian metro cities in March but I am doubtful if the scenes of gratuitous violence and profanity would pass the censors..

Quentin Tarantino's new film is longish, violent, brutal, bloody, and politically incorrect, and yet let may state at the same time that it is fulfilling in a perverse sort of way.
The fans of Tarantino - a massive cult status that he enjoys thanks to an ever widening fan-base - are not going to be disappointed with the maker (so what if the majority of all others do) and can trust to up the violence quotient each time, with every new film he makes.
Tarantino loves to push the envelope, bend the rules, on one hand, and on the other, his work often has a tribute-like quality, he loves to pay obeisance to mainstream and non-mainstream (offbeat/underground) genres. 'Django Unchained' (2012) has remarkable passages of wit and dark humor, and stylized action and yet it also has visceral excesses, bouts of self-indulgence, and expendable artlessness.
I must admit, I am too fond of Quentin Tarantino's stylish presentations. I have been following his work rather closely, ever since I first set my eyes on 'Reservoir Dogs', it was an eye-opener of a film for me in many ways. With 'Pulp Fiction', 'Jackie Brown', the 'Kill Bill' films, and 'Inglourious Basterds', my admiration and awe continued. I was particularly interested to find out Tarantino's treatment to an epic western. 'Django' was, after all, this Franco Nero starrer from 1966, that spawned many other similar spaghetti westerns, the name itself having been referenced in over thirty films! But, Tarantino does not believe in mere reprisals or remakes, unless there is some radical add-ons. And that he has done successfully, to the favor or disfavor of the viewers. He has actually made a western-styled southern, the film being set in the pockets of deep south and old west back in the antebellum era. Jamie Foxx has given a no-holds-barred performance in the title role - a freed African American slave who goes to the extremes of risk-taking for the sake of true love - with a fulsome, meaty support from Christoph Waltz. Also in the cast are Kerry Washington, as Django's love interest, and Leonardo DiCaprio as a plantation owner, a brutal villain. Among the other players, I must mention Samuel L. Jackson, and Walton Goggins, who appear menacing on screen, and there's also a cameo appearance put in by Franco Nero (the actor who had immortalized the original screen character named Django).

Watch this film, only if you are not faint of heart or squeamish by nature, and if you adore Tarantino. Else, give it a miss, the blood and gore fest is not recommended in that case; it is hardly emancipatory.

The film is slated for a tentative release in the Indian metro cities in March but I am doubtful if the scenes of gratuitous violence and profanity would pass the censors..

No matter what, I loved this film, it is ideal for tired souls and jaded viewers who look for stimulation in films.
I loved this film. Yes, there was excessive violence, gratuitous violence as well, but that is the hallmark of a Tarantino film, as I have come to understand. I believe film-making is a catharsis for him.
Full-on coolness, a la Tarantino!
I liked Leonardo DiCaprio as the rabid plantation owner. He deserved greater applause for his performance.
Watched it...... finally...... now that the film has released here, in India!
'Django Unchained' has the usual the unique blend of action, drama and skewed history. The trademark Tarantino style cannot be missed..... the blood spilling out and the gory violence, intricate dialogues, witty oneliners, intoxicating stylized fights, and the riot of colors, red dominating.
Tarantino is unapologetic in his depiction of raw, gratuitous action, his films are always fun to watch - at least for his fans, they are never to be disappointed.
A cool actioner; just NOT for the faint-hearted.
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