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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thirsty ...

Thirsty? Asks the campaign. 
Thirst for what, you may ask....... 
Well, it could be a campaign for anything, 
not necessarily for some cola or bottled drink, which earlier would have been looked down upon as conspicuous consumption. Not anymore, since there has been a change in perception for all things that do not fit the description of 'necessary  - by definition'.
We have grown up as consumers, as they smart marketing men would tells us. 
There is a ubiquitous demand for the advertised comforts, 
things that quench an artificial thirst of ours....... 
a thirst that has been generated by a hype, or a craze, 
using our weaknesses, or aggressively targeting the repressed faculties.
The cynics would simply say, we are too stupid to fall prey...... 
the doomsayers would project a collapse of the old-order 
because of a sudden surge of our new found thirst...... 
the optimists would see newer fantasies spicing up the boring lives...... 
the pessimists would see the tinge of conspiracy and would even 
consider the thirst-manufacturers as the new super-villains working
towards a catastrophe, fulled by their gorging on our natural impulses.
We are no longer thirsty for knowledge - it is staid as a concept!

We are just thirsty for more...... more of madness,
more of mediocrity, more of intolerance, more of shamelessness, 
more of the things of a lesser, baser kind!
The more we drink, the thirstier we get..... but naturally.


mehul said...

It's a cool post. It's also interesting, different, and thought provoking.

Deep said...

More the merrier;)

abhishek said...

On one hand we are goaded to increase our thirst (pyaas) and - on the other - when we try to quench (bujhao) our thirst, it leads to chaos and unrest!

aryan rocks said...

It's the eternal conundrum!

ranjann said...

A cool post. Somewhat thought-provoking too.

inder said...

A small mention:

All colas (fizzy soft drinks that we are so fond of) create an artificial thirst...... and they all are highly addictive, if consumed fairly regularly.