Had been hearing about the best-selling series by Stieg Larsson for quite some time, and had then been hearing some of cinephile friends talk excitedly about the Swedish film trilogy, and then came the news of David Fincher - one of my favorite directors - directing the American version of the same, but as luck would have it - or as was evident going by the moral policing and the double standards that prevail in these parts of the world - the film was prevented from reaching the Indian screens because of the graphic content. But, thanks to the internet, I was finally able to see the David Fincher film last night. It was a handsomely rewarding experience. 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' is shocking, disturbing, riveting, thrilling, and highly entertaining.
Bad luck for us all...... the Indian Censor Board should have shown more flexibility.
It's really a mindblowing film!
A bit longish...... rewarding nonetheless.
A sexy film.
I loved the lingering, brooding quality of the movie a lot. And, having seen the original Swedish film, I have to say that this remake is way better! Rooney Mara makes a far more interesting Lisbeth Salander than Noomi Rapace. I would like to commend David Fincher for delivering such a terrific performance-oriented plus organically compelling crime thriller, and that too based on a hugely successful fiction trilogy.
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