Kolkata exemplifies its spirit best during Durga Pujo, the annual autumnal festival that celebrates much more than the ritualistic traditions involving the worship of the Mother Goddess.
The Pujo frenzy, the madness, the excesses are all pervading, and hard to escape or remain indifferent to, for each and every Kolkatan, and he or she need not belong to any particular sect or creed or community for that.
Yes, it is that time of the year again!
the festive spirit in the air of the city is unmistakable for even the lay visitor.
The entire city is decked up in resplendent colors, and lights.
The energy is simply infectious, the buoyant spirit happily envelops us.
People go all out and spare no effort to soak in the madness, often to get carried away as well.
I wish all my friends and well-wishers happiness and contentment.
May you all light up from within; do your bit to redeem all darkness.
Happy Pujo!
Yes, it is that time of the year again!
the festive spirit in the air of the city is unmistakable for even the lay visitor.
The entire city is decked up in resplendent colors, and lights.
The energy is simply infectious, the buoyant spirit happily envelops us.
People go all out and spare no effort to soak in the madness, often to get carried away as well.
I wish all my friends and well-wishers happiness and contentment.
May you all light up from within; do your bit to redeem all darkness.

Wishing you a very happy Pujo, and a joyous Diwali - in advance - too!
Whenever I am in Kolkata, I enjoy the Pujas to the fullest...... the night-long pandal-hopping, attending the soirees, eating out with friends and family members, and simply basking in the madness that is the other name for this annual Bengali festival, the mother of all festivals in Kolkata! I am not much into the religious rituals, as that's how I have grown up, not having to adhere to the socio-religious customs, but the Pujas in Kolkata mean so much more than the actual puja (worshipping the Mother Goddess) and the offering of the prayers, breaking the all-morning fast. For a section of the Kolkatans, it's juts the feasting..... feasting on the sights and the sounds and the colors and the smells; to sum it up - it's the time for collective rejoicing.
Festive Greetings to you too!:)
Shubho Bijoyaa....
Wish you had a really happy and honestly awesome Pujo.... I had great fun too, almost doing nothing but being back here in Kolkata again to just get pampered silly by my doting parents, and bro (he had dropped by and this time w/o wifey.... heeeheee)
DurgaPujo means different things to different people, but personally speaking, it is the best time to be in Kolkata, especially now that I am out of my favorite city for work purposes. The wholesome Bangali concept of Goddess Durga's homecoming rings true for most of us.... more than the celebration of the sacred feminine, or rejoicing amidst lot of pomp and show, and regaling in the feisty traditions handed down generations, since ages. Long live Kolkata's annual feast of colors-flavors-spirits-whatsoever....!!! It may evolve in a thousand different ways, yet it is here to stay.... Happy Pujo! Happy festive madness!
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